Digital campaign for MarketSmith a provider of comprehensive online stock research for financial investors targeting new and current subscribers. A mobile app, microsite and web banners were created to drive subscribers to sign up. A series of stylized Illustrations were commissioned and served as a graphic metaphor to highlight different emotions investors would often make while making investments.
Pencil web banner panels informing viewers to "Take control of your investment life".
Control banner promoting "Quality Data to Make Money" plus a affordable 2 week promotion of plus online investment coaching for free.
Emotions banner highlighting the fact that emotions can dictate how you invest. Plus a affordable 2 week promotion of investment services and online investment coaching.
By enrolling using the mobile feature or by calling the toll free number the user is able to access the microsite and informational videos from MarketSmith’s president explaining why Pride, Greed, Fear and Hope can hurt their investment strategy.
When the user enters the microsite they are able to listen to videos from MarketSmith’s president explaining why Pride, Greed, Fear and Hope can hurt their investment strategy and get additional offers promoting 2 weeks of investment services plus online investment coaching for free.